The Jean Noblet Marked Deck

Learn how to read the marks. Plus, learn about the six gaffs that are included with every deck.

The Jean Noblet Marked Deck

I’m happy to share that the wait is finally over. Our new Jean Noblet marked trumps deck is now available! This deck was originally produced in Paris in 1650 and is one of the oldest Tarot de Marseille decks.

The marks are easy to read and have the same number system that we used for our Nicolas Conver marked decks. So, if you have that deck, you already know how to read these cards.

The marks are located on the top left and bottom right of the backs. The numerals are written from 0 - 22, and these correspond with the number of the card. For example, The Lover is 6 and The Chariot is 7.

The marks are very easy to read, but only if you know how to find them. You can see the marked cards from 1 - 7 in the image below.

Most marked tarot decks sell for more than $50, so our goal was to make our deck more affordable. We want you to actually use it in your shows and not just sit on a shelf.

Tarot size decks are very expensive to print, so we opted to release this bridge size deck. This gives the added bonus that it takes up little pocket space and makes it easy to perform sleight of hand.

We also decided to add more value to the deck by expanding it to 30 cards. Our deck includes the 22 trump cards, the two of coins, 6 gaff cards, and an information card.

The gaffs include one double backer, one blank face, one double faced The Magician / The Magician, one double faced The Sun / The Moon, one card with The Hanged Man missing, and one card with The Hermit’s lantern turned off.

We’ve also translated the cards into English from the original French. So, you don’t need to worry about correctly pronouncing the French names in the middle of your show.

This first edition is limited to 500 decks. To make them extra special, each one is individually numbered on the seal. The box also shows that the deck is from Artisan Tarot, however this marked deck is not available for the general public. 🤫

We’ve been told by many professional mentalists that we should sell these between $30 - $40 per deck. However, as we stated earlier, we want to make tarot affordable and more mainstream.

So, we have decided to sell these for only $25 per deck. And right now, if you order two, you can get them for $20 a deck.

I can honestly say that these are the highest quality and most affordable marked tarot deck on the market. So, be sure to get yours before it’s too late. 😄

If you are looking to add tarot routines to your shows, be sure to look at the routines area at The Unseen Arts. I've shared a lot of my routines that are completely free to learn.

I hope our new deck will amaze your audiences!

William Rader
The Unseen Arts